

Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog. I suppose you could call it the 'Bridget Jones' Diary' (for the wedding industry); I've created it really as a way for me to vent about my upcoming nuptials without boring my nearest and dearest about things that, well, just aren't that important to them but are all I seem to think about now I'm a fully fledged member of the Engagement Club.

Sunday, 1 July 2012

Dear Blog, I Haven't Abandoned You, Please Understand...

Gosh it's been a hard past few months.  That's why I haven't been able to find the time to actually blog for a little while so I sincerely apologise!  Firstly, and as you'll know if you read my post on redundancy (here) I was made redundant from my job which I'd been doing for 7 years.  Admittedly, I did have a year and a half gap where I trained, qualified and worked as a travel agent, was a local charity fundraising assistant and did a brief stint in telesales (bleugh!), but still, 7 years I put into my last job.

Next I had to deal with my Uncle Phil's death (which you can read here) and then my younger cousin was found dead in his house, and which, to today's date, we're still unclear as to the details.  It's just so sad.

I've since taken on a course to qualify in something I love but is all very hush hush for the time being until I've completed it.  It's a lot of work; more than I actually anticipated but I'm getting there.  Pretty much every spare minute I have goes into answering exercises, assignments and projects but fingers crossed it'll all pay off.  

We've also done some decorating, I've had a MAJOR de-clutter of the house and I've tried and failed on numerous occasions to cut out the junk food and eat a little more healthily.  It makes me grumpy so I don't know why I put myself through it!

To go along with all of this, I've had another few family health issues and another death, plus a health scare of my own, a job interview (I got the job, hurray!) for which I've then had to learn how to use their systems as well as all the names (so many), my dog has been ill and today, I've officially become a Godmother to little Walter Joseph.  It's such an honour and he's such a little heartbreaker already! 

I've also got a little surprise and I'm not going to announce it just yet (no, I'm not pregnant), but it's taking up lots of time, effort and dedication.  

So I very much apologise that I haven't had chance to write for a while but I'm sure you understand that I've been very busy and had a lot on my plate since April!

There's now 9 months to go to the wedding.  I remember when we got engaged in April 2011 and we set a date of 6th October 2012 to have everything booked and paid off.  Well, we're now 3 months (ish) away from that and to be honest, we are almost sorted.  We've just got the bridesmaids' dresses to buy, my hair and makeup to book and the finer details to hone with the venue, such as centrepieces. We'll be sending the invites out in November.  A little early maybe but I don't want to send them out in December when everybody are getting their Christmas cards and it gives us plenty of time to collect in RSVPs (they'll have menu choices on) and essentially, I'm the one who will have to write the choices on the inside of their place cards.

I also have to try and lose some weight as since I was made redundant and fell into the trap of of grazing throughout the day on food, it's quickly piled on.  Not that I'm for one second into brides crash dieting to try and fit into a smaller dress or such like.  It's because I got measured for my dress when I was a little bit smaller and so I'd like to get back to what I was.  That's it.  

So that's a little of what's been going on recently.  I know I've confined a lot of information into one small blog post but hopefully, you'll understand and appreciate that I haven't abandoned the blog, I've just had to take a bit of time out.

There's more to come.... 

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