

Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog. I suppose you could call it the 'Bridget Jones' Diary' (for the wedding industry); I've created it really as a way for me to vent about my upcoming nuptials without boring my nearest and dearest about things that, well, just aren't that important to them but are all I seem to think about now I'm a fully fledged member of the Engagement Club.

Sunday, 22 January 2012

GC Couture Cakes

Introducing GC Couture, a brand new division of Genuine Cakes (www.gccouture.co.uk)

Genuine Cakes, the team behind Cheryl Cole’s birthday cake, has launched a specialist division for luxury wedding cakes - GC Couture.

Marie Sinclair, founder of GC Couture, said: “The GC Couture 2012 Collection has been individually and creatively designed around the style and genre of the Princesses of our time.

“Each cake will attract brides looking for something different; whether art deco, classic or vintage, our collection has something to catch every bride’s eye.”

In addition to the existing 24-cake flavour portfolio, GC Couture will be introducing a 10 new flavours for the New Year, which will include Amaretto Fruitcake, Rum & Raisin, Chocolate & Coconut and Pina Colada - perfect for 2012 brides who want their cake to be individual and memorable. Each cake will incorporate a section of the GC Couture logo as well as the signature GC Fleur, available in a variety of styles and colours according to the design of the cake.

The GC Couture collection starts from £600.

Polly Atkinson, Lifestyle Editor of BRIDES Magazine, helped to style the shoot.

“Style, glamour and romance; the new GC couture cake collection has it all,” Polly says. “Whether you are looking for a sparkling showstopper, pretty vintage design, or classic floral creation, there’s a cake for every bride-to-be. With an impressive selection of 24 delicious flavours you won’t be short of choice when it comes to the taste either. “These beautifully created cakes are sure to add wow-factor to your wedding day.”


For more information or to make an enquiry, please visit the website www.gccouture.co.uk


  1. Wow, that's one heck of a tall cake (Catherine). Now I'm hungry for cake. Thanks.


  2. Thanks for your comment Michelle. It's one of the tallest cakes around I've seen!

    Hope you've managed to find a good slab of cake to eat since posting!

    C x
