

Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog. I suppose you could call it the 'Bridget Jones' Diary' (for the wedding industry); I've created it really as a way for me to vent about my upcoming nuptials without boring my nearest and dearest about things that, well, just aren't that important to them but are all I seem to think about now I'm a fully fledged member of the Engagement Club.

Friday, 9 September 2011

Bridezillas, Please Take Note!

In light of recent events, (those of you on Twitter may already be accustomed to my woes) I thought it may be appropriate to write a Jerry Springer ‘Last Word’ kind of post.

You see, weddings are THE occasion that celebrates the love and devotion between two people who are happy to commit and spend the rest of their lives together.  Naturally, the two people will want their nearest and dearest to witness their commitment to each other when they express their vows to one another, be it, in the eyes of God or during a civil ceremony.

Traditionally, this is all that happened at a wedding.  It was once enough for two people in love to ask their friends and families to come together for one day to celebrate, be happy for the couple involved and cease the opportunity for the families to unite. 

These were the times before us, the times when a bride wore white because she actually deserved to and the husband traditionally carried their new wife over the threshold.  Heck, if you actually lived with your spouse prior to marriage then you had a quiet wedding and no fanfare at all! The big shindig, booze up and frolics on the hen and stag all came about at a later date (of which, I think we can all agree, are pleased about).

My point is, your wedding day is truly about getting married to the man (or woman) that you love and have willingly vowed to spend your life with.  Please don’t allow yourself, your sister, daughter, mum, cousin, aunt or whoever it is you know that is getting to be a bit of a Bridezilla, to think that the highlight and most important part of the day will be something which in essence, is a bit trivial in the cold light of day; the seating arrangements, the food choice, whether the cake has 2 tiers or 10, or the entertainment for your guests.  In fairness, your guests will be happy for you with whatever you choose and appreciate the fact that you have invited them to attend, witness and celebrate with you on one of the most special days of both of your lives.  

Getting over-emotional at the fact your cousin’s, best friend’s auntie had the same band as you is, to me, pretty bloody stupid.  So what if your next door neighbour wants the same colour scheme as what you’ve planned?  Who cares (apart from maybe you) that your invitations resemble the tiniest bit to the one you’ve just received for your other half’s sister’s friends wedding?

Another thing I think is key; don't be in competition with somebody else you know who is planning their day.  That is exactly what is it.  Their day.  Yours is completely separate and where the phrase "different strokes for different folks" is extremely important to remember. 

Your friend may love the idea of having a carnival or circus themed wedding, filled with fun and featuring bright colours and things to entertain in every direction you look.  This, on the other hand, may be your idea of hell.  And vice versa.  Do you see my point yet?  Do you? 

I'm not trying to put a dampner on anyone's day (honestly, I'm not).  It is, afterall, one of, if not THE most important day of your lives.  It's just that after going through this scenario over the last couple of weeks, with it heightening in the last few days, I've pondered over what is the meaning of marriage and how scarily huge the wedding industry is and how we can all get sucked in to thinking, what fundamentally is a jolly good knees up, is the most significant part of the day.  It isn't.

Please just take a step back from the Wedding Bubble you have surrounded yourself in for the past few months.  Remember that life is still carrying on as normal and will continue to do so after the event.  Most importantly, remember that this day is about you and your partner, standing in front of each other and your loved ones (who will continue to love both of you no matter what centrepiece you’ve chosen), to hear you vow to love and to cherish, from this day forward.

Love is all you need.

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